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  • Where is it held?
    Dudley Cornell Park Gertrude Street, Horsham 3400
  • Dates and Times
    Every Wednesday, starts at 5:00pm but will have short break in school holidays
  • What age can I start?
    Little Athletics caters for athletes aged between 5 and 17. The only exemption is a 4-year-old who turns 5 before the 31st of December. These athletes are able to register and participate as 4-year-olds. From the 1st of January, each member must have turned 5 before participation. The Little Athletics Victoria registration year runs from 1st September in one year to the 31st August the next year.
  • Do I need to proof of age
    Yes, as part of your Little Athletics registration, you will need to provide your Centre with official documentation that contains your athletes name and date of date. This step ensures athletes are participating in their correct age groups. Please provide a copy to you centre or email a copy of you child(rens) proof of age documentation to
  • What documents can be used to proof age?
    Below is a list of official documents that can be provided to your Centre in order for them to cite your child’s date of birth. These documents can be a photo on your phone or a photocopy. You do not need to provide the official document. Birth Certification Passport Immunisation Certification Immigration Certificate Please provide a copy to you centre or email a copy of you child(rens) proof of age documentation to
  • Cost - Annual Fee
    All Athletes - $150.00 Discount for siblings. Comprising: Little Athletics Victoria Fees - $89.00 Wodonga Little Athletics Fees - $61.00 This fee includes but is not limited to insurance, ground hire fees, operational costs such as line marking and internet and equipment upgrades.
  • Uniform
    Our Centre top (t-shirt, singlet or crop) is compulsory and can be purchased after registration via our online shop for $38.50 Any black shorts preferably without pockets
  • Parental Supervision
    Due to insurance and affiliation requirements, children are not to be dropped and left at the centre unattended on Saturday mornings, or at any other Little Athletics event. Any athletes at the Centre without a supervising adult present and helping with jobs are removed from participating in the competition or training for the day.
  • Officiating Duties - Parent Participation
    Little Athletics is a sport that requires a large number of adults to run track and field events. All parents help to run Little Athletics at Wodonga. Parents collect a job card on arrival which provides instructions on what needs to be done. There are many different jobs to be done and none are difficult, and committee members are always on hand to help you with any questions about the job you will do on that day.– arrive early to make sure you get your favourite one.
  • How long does the season run?
    October to March
Frequently Asked Question

Our centre cannot continue without the generous support of the community. Sponsorship can be as much or as little as you would like to contribute and is not limited to cash donations. Assistance gained through sponsorship goes towards the maintenance and improvement of our centre as well as new equipment.

Bond Farming

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