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New Members

So, you’re looking to get involved with Little Athletics for the first time – that’s great!

This section of the website will be able to step you through what you need to know about Little Athletics and how to get involved

Step 1

Age groups for the 2022-23 season can be found Here


Important: Athletes turning 5 after Jan 1 (2018) must wait until they have turned 5 before registering (these new Under 6 athletes will repeat U6 in the next calendar season – 23/24)

Step 2

As part of your Little Athletics registration, you will need to provide your Centre with official documentation that contains your athletes name and date of birth. This step ensures athletes are participating in their correct age groups.

Step 3

Children who haven’t been a member of a Little Athletics Centre previously are invited to trial 2 competition days of Little Athletics – free of charge – before committing to full membership. This gives everyone involved a good understanding of what Little Athletics is and how the weekly events operate.

Step 4

Registrations for any Little Athletics Centre is handled through the one online registration portal.

By clicking the button at the bottom, you will first be prompted to select the Centre in which you are looking to join. After this, you will then need to fill in the form which will ask for details on a parent or guardian as well as the members who are being registered.


Step 5

Every parent is an important part of Little Athletics. Parents are required to help at Little Athletics for without your help, events and programs cannot be run.
How to get involved? There are many other ways to assist our Little Athletics Centre.

This includes assistance with:
• age group manager
• conducting and assisting with events
• canteen duty
• selling of uniforms
• inputting of results
• setting up events prior to commencement of day;
• collecting and packing up equipment at completion of day;
• becoming an official or coach;
• committee member.
Please feel free to help in any way you can.

Step 6

You will have received this Handbook and a registration chest patch. All athletes are required to wear the registration chest patch during competition days as part of the uniform.

Without the chest patch track events results cannot be recorded.  The athlete should also be wearing appropriate footwear, sun protection including hat and sunscreen and Centre Uniform for competition and athletics events.
The Horsham Little Athletics Centre is a voluntary organisation relying on parental assistance in tasks including managing age groups, organising race starts, recording results, setting up and moving equipment and assisting in the canteen.

A roster will be implemented from the first day of competition. 


Please contact us if there is an area you would like to get involved in.






Our centre cannot continue without the generous support of the community. Sponsorship can be as much or as little as you would like to contribute and is not limited to cash donations. Assistance gained through sponsorship goes towards the maintenance and improvement of our centre as well as new equipment.

Bond Farming

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