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Returning Members

It is great to have you back!


Members who have previously been a member of a Little Athletics

Victoria Centre will have a Member Portal account within our system.

You will need to login to your account and follow the prompts

through to renew your registration. This will populate all the

information that remains the same. 


If you don’t remember your username and/or password,  You will

receive errors registering if you try to create a new account as a

previously registered member.


Members who were wanting to switch Centres from a Centre within

Victoria or Interstate will need to change their Centre and are encouraged to do so before renewing their membership.


Our centre cannot continue without the generous support of the community. Sponsorship can be as much or as little as you would like to contribute and is not limited to cash donations. Assistance gained through sponsorship goes towards the maintenance and improvement of our centre as well as new equipment.

Bond Farming

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